Snaffle's Cheesecake From Hokkaido

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Pastry Snaffle’s has been around in Singapore since 2013. It's bestseller is the Hokkaido Cheese Catch Cakes. Although I still don't get how 'bringing you happy moments of delicious delicious' is related to the name 'Catch Cakes'. *shrug*

We've finally grabbed a box at it's Bedok Mall branch this morning. We bought a box of 8 for $23.80 (was $19.80 last year) that comes with 5 flavours:
- Green Tea Matcha
- Original
- Tiramisu
- Caffe Latte
- Maple Sugar

For those of you who love chocolate, the chocolate ones are apparently bestsellers too. I'm not a chocolate cake fan so didn't get that. :)

My favourites are the Original and Tiramisu ones. I will recommend to eat the Tiramisu and Latte ones last as they are a little heavier and they will mask the tastes of the other lighter cheesecakes. The sales assistant has also confirmed the Tiramisu has alcohol so unfortunately they are not halal (don't see any halal logo in stall too) and you may want to avoid giving them to your kids.

The cakes must keep refrigerated. Once they are defrost (3-4hours) from your fridge, it is best to consume immediately. We had O'sulloc green tea with the cakes, and they go so well - like a heavenly match!

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