Flower Of The Day: Dwarf Yellow Mussaenda

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Photo taken in Bedok Reservoir Park. #sgflowers

  • Scientific Name: Pseudomussaenda flava
  • Also Known As: Dwarf Yellow Mussaenda, White Wings
  • This shrub has white floral sepals and creamy yellow flowers. While no longer in genus Mussaenda, it shares many traits and is the hardiest species, tolerating more dryness and cooler temperatures. An eye-catching flowering shrub that can reach a height of 2 to 3 feet. Leaves are bright green, 2-5 inches long and prominently veined. Flowers are composed of small bright yellow, star-shaped corollas with orange centres and subtended by  creamy yellow or off-white enlarged sepals that resemble white wings or flags.
  • Uses: Being small and ever-blooming, they are excellent for container gardening or planted en masse in a border or used as hedges. Great for landscaping as a single decorative specimen or in a group of low-growing plants in home gardens or parks. Attractive to butterflies, bees, hummingbirds and insect pollinators as a nectar plant.

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