Flower Of The Day: Lantana Camara

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Photo taken in Punggol Waterway Park #sgflowers

  • Scientific Name: Lantana Camara
  • Also Known As: Big Sage, Wild Sage, Red Sage, Tickberry
  • Despite its beautiful colors, these flowers are well known as notorious weed - often out-compete other more desirable species, leading to a reduction in biodiversity.
  • Uses: It's stalks have been used in the construction of furniture, such as chairs and tables; however, the main uses have historically been medicinal and ornamental.The lantana plant is used in essences for healing issues surrounding sexual dysfunction and obsessive-compulsive disorders. The essence is meant to calm extremes of sexual repression or perversion.
  • Symbolic Meaning: As it is a hardy perennial plant, it is generally associated with rigor.

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