Flower Of The Day: Pin Wheel Jasmine

Monday, October 05, 2015

Photo taken in Bedok Reservoir Park. #sgflowers

  • Scientific Name: Tabernaemontana Dvaricata
  • Also Known As: Crape Jasmine, East India Rosebay, Nero’s Crown
  • White flowers shaped like pinwheels decorate pinwheel jasmine, a charming shrub that will bloom anywhere – even in partial shade.
  • Uses: A sweetened infusion of the leaves is used as a cough medicine, the pounded roots are applied externally for eye diseases (unspecified) and an unspecified part of the plant is mixed with other herbs to make a medicinal snuff for treating nasal ulcers. In Indonesia a decoction is used as an astringent anti-diarrheal.

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